Monthly Archive: October, 2013

The Chaos of Implementing Strategy

My associate Robin Speculand just sent me an email with some factoidal stuff and some of his really solid ideas on implementing strategy. You can find his website here. I thought that a… Continue reading

It’s about Mining as much GOLD as WE Can – Collaboration and Results

The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine game has the theme of mining gold, and we put the tabletops into the context of collaboration with slides that talk about “WE” — but what teams hear… Continue reading

Teamwork, Communications and Planning – two more poems about work

The “team communications” and agreement cartoon in the boxes below is one that we use a good bit in the debriefing of The Search for The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, since it has… Continue reading

Teamwork and Decision Making — a poem on performance

Teamwork is about groups of people making shared decisions and working together to implement solutions to shared problems. In our Lost Dutchman team building exercise, teams get resources to manage and decisions to make… Continue reading

Lean and Mean – a poem on performance and competition

Teams need to “cross the desert” and get to the Mine where they can find the Gold. This is the metaphor of The Search for The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine and also a… Continue reading

Reflecting on Results; Looking for Improvements: Two Illustrations

Reflection is a primary way to identify new ideas and opportunities. Too often we continue to do things the same way expecting things to change. One of my favorite quotes is from the… Continue reading

Chaos and Confusion are normal parts of organizational change

After delivering a team building session, things can be rather confused as you may have discussed those things that are not working well and need to be improved but you have not yet… Continue reading

Getting the Boots Aligned, in the Rain, in the Main

Our team building exercise, The Search for The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, is about generating and benefitting measurably from collaboration and alignment. When people share information and resources, the entire group optimizes its… Continue reading

Being a Big (Square) Wheeler – a poem on Teamwork

Much of the play of our Lost Dutchman team building game is about managing resources so that the team’s vehicle can make it to and from the mine with as much Gold as… Continue reading

Poem on Organizational Alignment, Chaos and Reality

We often use these “View from the Top” illustrations to show how things might or should look and how they really look. We have a dozen or so illustrations from the Square Wheels… Continue reading

Poem on Teamwork and Collaboration

This is one of the little ditties that rolls out of our Lost Dutchman game, where the goal is to Mine as much Gold as WE can! ALL of us can do better… Continue reading

The Christopher Columbus Award – for “leadership”

Christopher Columbus — there is a lot of controversy over the man and his accomplishments and how history is representing things. Supposedly, nearly everyone knew that the world was not flat in the… Continue reading