“Got A Minute?” – Take a Perspective Innovation Break

Dan Rockwell started his post today with, “Got a minute” and how that could turn into a significant time investment for managers, since it could help them focus on what is wrong and what is right and that it could also be useful for involving and engaging people.

Since I was working along similar lines, I thought “Convergence” and spun up a little poster that I think links pretty well.

LEGO POSTER SWs Susan Hey Boss got a Minute words

click on the image to go to Dan Rockwell’s Leadership Freak post

For me, a real issue is simple perspective, in that we get used to doing things one way and getting the predictable reactions of people, systems and organizations. Only when those assumptions are challenged can we actually look to make improvements.

And click on this image below to go to yesterday’s blog, which focuses on similar issues,

LEGO Politics Brain in a Box

Click on image to see another illustration on Perspective


For the FUN of It!

Dr. Scott Simmerman, Surprised Dr. Scott Simmerman is a designer of team building games and organization improvement tools. Managing Partner of Performance Management Company since 1984, he is an experienced presenter and consultant.

Connect with Scott on Google+ – you can reach Scott at scott@squarewheels.com

Follow Scott’s posts on Pinterest: pinterest.com/scottsimmerman/
Scott’s blog on People and Performance is here.

Square Wheels are a trademark of Performance Management Company
LEGO® is a trademark of the The LEGO Group